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Alternative Catholic Experience

About Us

People gathered at Mass


This website is sponsored by the Ecumenical Catholic Diocese of New England.   In one of our churches located in a summer vacation area  visitors frequently asked,  "Does an inclusive  church like this exist near where I live?"  This website came about as a response to these questions, and today lists small faith communities  from 38 states and growing.  The communities listed are Eucharistic Communities with roots in a Catholic heritage.   If you would like to list your small community click here.

For More Information

Here are some works, along with a brief explanation of each, that can provide more information for those interested:

Catholic But Not Roman, Orthodox But Not Eastern: An Introduction to the Old Catholic Church
by Father R. Joseph Owles  Copyright ©2013 by R. Joseph Owles. All rights reserved.
A brief and clearly written work, this book would appeal to the average reader and provides an excellent overview of the origins of the Old Catholic Church.

The Other Catholics: Remaking America's Largest Religion
by Julie Byrnes.  Copyright ©2016.  Published by Columbia University Press.
This is more a work of academic research than the above.  It provides a deeper historical background, and then focuses upon one 20th century manifestation of an Independent Catholic Church.

ROMAN but Not CATHOLIC: What Remains at Stake 500 Years after the Reformation
by Kenneth J. Collins and Jerry L. Walls.  Copyright ©2017.  Published by Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
This is a theological study of the term "catholic," and delves into its origins,different meanings through the centuries, and different interpretations by various Churches.  It provides excellent insight into differences among various Christian traditions which all share the same roots in what the authors call, "the early ecumenical church," their term for the church prior to 451CE.

The works listed above can be found at